We Are Committed to Having a Positive Impact on Our Communities.
RPS Social Engagement
We believe that making a positive contribution to our communities is a fundamental responsibility. We strive for the highest level of corporate responsibility in all that we do. Our efforts focus on three major areas of responsibility:
Charitable Giving
Through various initiatives, the goal of our charitable giving program is to use both our human and financial resources to help enrich the lives of those in need. Our organization has a history of involvement in philanthropy and seeks to instill a culture of charitable giving and volunteerism amongst our staff, colleagues, and business partners.
We believe that RPS and its employees should be active participants in the communities in which we conduct business, as a way of giving back and fostering growth. We encourage and support a culture of charity and volunteerism among our employees.
At RPS, we pride ourselves on contributing positively to the communities in which we operate. From an environmental perspective, that means we continually strive to minimize our impact on the environment, while balancing the need for economic growth for the company and these communities.
Charitable Giving
RPS supports two main charitable organizations, including The Children’s Wish Foundation of Canada and United Way Centraide Canada, as well as provide donations to those of our clients and partners:
- The Children's Wish Foundation of Canada: We are very proud of our relationship with the Children's Wish Foundation, which includes executive volunteering for over 35 combined years, in both national and Ontario chapter advisory board roles. In 2013 we launched our internal fundraising efforts for the charity.
- United Way Centraide Canada: We are equally proud of our relationship with the United Way Centraide Canada. Through RPS, our sister companies and our parent Brookfield Asset Management, we have contributed millions of dollars to United Way by way of annual campaign activities and employee donations over the last decade.
- The following charities of our clients and partners:
- Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation
- Hospital for Sick Children
- Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
- Montreal Children’s Hospital
- Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada
- Princess Margaret Cancer Foundation
Community Engagement and Voluteering
We believe that making a positive contribution to our communities is a fundamental responsibility. Through various initiatives, the goal of our charitable giving program is to use both our human and financial resources to help enrich the lives of those in need and our employees. We provide paid volunteer days to our employees and the diversity of our employees results in contributions to hundreds of not-for-profit organizations across a broad range of initiatives, including education, health, arts, and culture, community development and sports and athletics.

Sustainability and Environmental Policies
At RPS we pride ourselves on adhering to the following simple, yet effective, environmental principles:
- Commit to the principle that our business decisions will address social issues, including the long term sustainability of communities, taking into account the current and future environmental, safety, health and economic considerations.
- Ensure that effective management systems in all our facilities are in place to minimize risks to the environment, safety health and communities.
- Comply with all applicable legislation, regulation and with other practices. In the case of the acquisition of an existing operation or facility that is out of compliance, our goal is to operate in compliance as soon as practicable.
- Establish a clear strategic plan for reducing the amount of energy and fossil fuels necessary for the production of our products. Include targets as necessary.
- Conduct regular self-evaluations of our management systems, programs and activities.
- Review and improve our sustainability practices on an ongoing basis at all levels of the organization.

Brookfield Asset Management Sustainability Activities
Our parent company, Brookfield Asset Management, has developed expertise and businesses in areas that truly make an impact on our environment and at a global level. This includes industries such as energy and water conservation, recycling, wildlife preservation, timber harvesting and erosion control. We pursue innovative programs and systems that foster environmental responsibility across all our operations; reviewing and improving sustainability practices is an ongoing priority at all levels of the organization.
To learn more about Brookfield’s sustainability activities, go here.