What are RPS Portfolio Valuations?
The RPS Portfolio Valuation solution delivers updated valuations on the underlying collateral of mortgage loan portfolios. Enabling mortgage lenders and investors to assess their current exposure, and mortgage investors to assess risk in a portfolio they are considering purchasing.

Key Features

Delivers detailed, easy to understand property-level data to better monitor and manage your portfolio.

Summary reporting to comply with executive, investor, or IFRS9 reporting requirements.

Cost Effective
Quick, simple, and cost-effective process to share address data and valuations securely.

We Work With You
RPS can accommodate portfolios of all sizes and provide updates on a regular, ad hoc, or one-time basis for complete or partial portfolios.
Common Use Cases
- Update mortgage pool collateral values.
- Measure risk exposure to residential real estate, spot emerging risks or performance weaknesses.
- Calculate capital allocations.
- Provide detailed and supportable reporting to Boards, senior executives, investors and regulators.
- Adjust underwriting policies.
- Identify growth opportunities and manage client retention.

RPS Provides Two Portfolio Valuation Options
RPS Index Approach
- Leverages the RPS House Price Index (HPI) to mark-to-market each property
- Greater coverage, typically at a lower cost than the AVM Approach
- Used by clients for a complete portfolio valuation update
RPS AVM Approach
- Leverages the RPS Automated Valuation Model (AVM), or a cascade of all commercial AVMs, to determine current property value
- More detailed data provided than the Index Approach for each individual property
- Used by clients to update subsets of an entire portfolio with a higher degree of precision
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